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Century College
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- CHSP Audio Editing for Narrative Video
- CHSP Introduction to Digital Photography
- MN Illustrator & Vector Creation
- MN Introduction to Engineering
- MN Photoshop/Image Editing
- MN Web Design & Development/HTML
- NEM Marketing Elective
- NEM ADM Digital Manufacturing: Fab Lab
- NEM ADM Digital Manufacturing: Intro to Design
- NEM AHA BLS for the Healthcare Provider
- NEM Automotive Service
- NEM Brake Systems
- NEM Business Communications
- NEM Careers in Criminal Justice
- NEM Construction Technology
- NEM Construction Technology (Partial)
- NEM COS Clinic 2
- NEM COS Clinic 8
- NEM COS Clinic I
- NEM Dental Assisting Pre-Clinic I
- NEM Dental Assisting Pre-Clinic II
- NEM Design Basics (Fundamentals of Applied Design)
- NEM Desktop Publishing
- NEM Digital Electronics
- NEM Digital Imaging
- NEM Document Formatting Essentials
- NEM Drafting for Interior Design
- NEM Electrical Principles
- NEM Elements of Interior Design
- NEM Emergency Medical Responder
- NEM Emergency Medical Technician
- NEM Engine Performance Maintenance
- NEM Entrepreneurship Fundamentals
- NEM Event, Convention, and Meeting Planning
- NEM Facility Workplace Safety
- NEM Fashion Marketing Essentials
- NEM How to Make Almost Anything
- NEM Intro to Dental Assisting
- NEM Intro to Health Care Careers
- NEM Intro to Software Applications
- NEM Intro to Welding for Auto Body
- NEM Introduction to Business
- NEM Introduction to Digital Photography
- NEM Introduction to Solar Assessment
- NEM IT Exploraton
- NEM Medical Terminology
- NEM Microsoft Word
- NEM Nursing Assistant
- NEM PC Hardware & Software
- NEM PE Careers in PE Exercise Science and Sport
- NEM PE Fitness for Life
- NEM PE Personal and Community Health
- NEM PE Weight Training
- NEM Personal Financial Planning
- NEM Police In The Community
- NEM Preclinic Hair Styling and Design
- NEM Preclinic Introduction
- NEM Preclinic Introduction BCCA
- NEM Preclinic Nail Care
- NEM Preclinic Skin Care
- NEM Principles of Digital Communications I
- NEM Principles of Management
- NEM Principles of Marketing
- NEM Relationship Selling
- NEM Salon Prepartion
- NEM Small Business Ownership
- NEM Steering & Suspension
- NEM Video I: Introduction to Narrative Video Production
- NEM Web Page Design
- NEM Workplace Leadership