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Normandale Community College
College URL:
- CHSP Computer Essentials
- CHSP Computer Keyboarding
- CHSP Computerized Accounting
- CHSP Culinary/Hospitality
- CHSP Entrepreneurship
- CHSP Excel Spreadsheets
- CHSP Hospitality & Tourism Management
- CHSP Introduction to Business
- CHSP Nursing Assistant / Home Health Aide
- CHSP PowerPoint
- CHSP Social Media Marketing
- CHSP Word Processing
- MN (Law) Juvenile Justice
- MN (Law) Corrections
- MN (Law) Criminal Justice
- MN (Law) Police & Community
- MN Accounting Fundamentals
- MN CPR/First Aid
- MN Customer Service
- MN Emergency Medical Responder
- MN Healthcare Core
- MN Medical Terminology
- MN Nursing Assistant
- PLTW Aero Space Engineering - State
- PLTW Biotechnical Engineering - State
- PLTW Civil Engineering & Architecture - State
- PLTW Computer Integrated Manufacturing - State
- PLTW Digital Electronics -State
- PLTW Introduction to Engineering Design - State
- PLTW Principles of Engineering - State